Hezbollah and Iranian Revolutionary Guard operatives are planning attacks on western targets in the coming days, a Lebanese report said.
The report was based on information gathered by western intelligence agencies monitoring the "recent abnormal movements of cadres suspected of belonging to Hezbollah or the Iranian Revolutionary Guard," the Beirut Observer Web site said Tuesday.
The report said the attacks are meant to divert global attention from indictments the international United Nations tribunal is expected to serve in the investigation of the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.
The indictments will most likely name "leadership cadres in the party [Hezbollah]," the site said.
The report comes on the eve of the country's 36th anniversary of the 1975-90 Civil War, and amid deep divisions in the country's political leadership, a paralysed cabinet and mounting concern about events in the Arab world that threaten Lebanon's security and stability, The Lebanese newspaper The Daily Star said Wednesday.