Sunday, January 17, 2010

Haiti earthquake: 10,000 US soldiers due as violence on the streets intensifies

Around 10,000 US soldiers are due to arrive in Haiti to restore order to the streets as desperate earthquake survivors resort to looting and violence while aid struggles to reach them.

Chaos and fear reigned on the streets of the capital Port-au-Prince on Sunday, as many were still waiting for food, water and medicine five days after the disaster decimated the area.

Police opened fire on a group of looters, killing at least one of them, as hundreds of rioters ransacked a supermarket.

Gangs of men on Boulevard Jean-Jacques Dessalines, their faces covered with bandannas to mask both their identity and the smell of decaying bodies, brandished machetes and sharpened planks of wood as they ran from shop to shop stealing shoes, rolls of carpet and cooking pots

Despite being outnumbered, officers tried to disperse the violence, shouting at passers-by to leave the area. Elsewhere there were reports of officers stepping aside to allow vigilantes to deal with looters.

"Haitians are partly taking things into their own hands. There are no jails, the criminals are running free, there are no authorities controlling this," said Eddy Toussaint, who witnessed the violence.

It is hoped that armed American troops will quell the unrest when they arrive, but it is unclear exactly when that will be. Canada has also promised to send 1,000 troops to support the relief effort, in addition to the 500 already there.